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Our Error Standard
UserMessage: This is a user-friendly message, which can be displayed on your application. This will be sent when something is wrong on the user side.
DeveloprMessage: This is message is intended for the developer working with our API. Used to fix an error if he's doing something wrong on his side.
Errors: Detailed description of the request errors.
MoreInfo: Links to corresponding API documentation, gives tips, etc.
Status: HttpResponse status code.
"userMessage": "You need to fill the username field!",
"developerMessage": "",
"errors": [
"moreInfo" : "",
"status" : 400
The Cliengo API communicates errors through standard HTTP status codes paired with error objects. Generally the following pattern will apply:
The request was successfully received, understood, and accepted
Further action needs to be taken by the user agent in order to fulfill the request
An error in the request. Usually a bad parameter.
The request is fine, but something is wrong on Box’s end
200 success
201 created
202 accepted
204 no_content
302 redirect
304 not_modified
400 bad_request
401 unauthorized
403 forbidden
404 not_found
405 method_not_allowed
409 conflict
412 precondition_failed
429 too_many_requests
500 internal_server_error
503 unavailable
Updated over 4 years ago