
Creates user and returns JSON with data of the created user.


For security reasons, the user password isn't returned in the JSON.

User Privileges

User privileges define what a user can edit inside the CRM and the API. You can define them by sending them separated with commas, no spaces in between.



The set of privileges on the example would let the new user to be able to:

  • See clients within the company.
  • Create and edit clients within the company.
  • Only be able to see the users within the company, but not editing them.

There are two types of privileges, write and read. The read privilege, grants reading permissions. The write privilege will let the user edit and create X field.

You can see the list of privileges below:

clients_readGrants read permissions for clients within the company.
clients_writeGrants writing permissions for clients within the company.
clients_read_assignedThe user will only be able to read clients assigned to them.
clients_write_assignedThe user will only be able to write clients assigned to them.
website_readGrants read permissions for websites within the company.
website_writeGrants write permissions for websites within the company.
stats_readGrants read permissions for stats within the company.
appointments_readGrants read permissions for appointments within the company.
appointments_writeGrants write permissions for appointments within the company.
users_readGrants read permissions for users within the company.
users_writeGrants write permissions for users within the company.
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